Boomika , a Tamil horror film (marketed as an eco-horror film), redirects focus on the inaccurate portrayal of people with special abilities in Indian cinema over time. And makes you wonder the effects of such portrayals on popular perception of those with the condition. *Spoiler ahead* In Boomika, the ghost haunting an isolated colonial property has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She is artistically blessed with the ability to draw and paint like a maestro; that much the film gets right. People on the spectrum tend to have supremely sharp abilities in one or more specific fields. But everything else about her is incorrect, reflecting poor research. Her involuntary movements, exaggerated facial expressions, repetitive tick of the head, and floppy body posture resemble those that have cerebral palsy, also a group of nervous disorders. Perhaps filmmaker R Rathindran Prasad set out to create positive awareness of autism. But somewhere down the line, flimsy research and dramatic licen...